Catalan cream is the most important dessert in Catalonia. This dessert consists in a pastry cream with egg, and with caramelized sugar on top that gives a crunchy touch when eating. It ss a tipical dessert in the most important celebrations like Sant Josep, but nowadays it has extended to other areas of our country and it is already consumed all year.
1 l of milk
6 egg yolks
200 g of sugar
40 g of flour
a peel of lemon
cinnamon stick
First, put the milk in the pot and let it boil for 20 minutes and add a peel of lemon and ciannamon stick.
Then, prepare the yolks in the other pot. Mix them and add a 1/3l of milk, sugar, and starch, and mix again.
When the milk is hot, we can take out the lemon and the cinnamon stick, and with the help of a sieve, add the mixture of egg yolks, sugar etc.
Then, let it rest with low heat and with a wooden spoon stir slowly so that it does not stick to the bottom.
After a few minutes the base starts to densify , then put it in individual clay bowls. It Is important to cover the cream with some baking paper or film, and let it cool.
When the cream becomes cool, you can take the paper, and if you want you can cover with sugar and burn it.
You can decore the cream with some cookies.